Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “Good Manners” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Good Manners

Paragraph : 01

Introduction: Good Manners refers to polite, humble, courteous, respectful and well-cultured social behavior. A man or woemn, above everything else, is esteemed and distinguished on account of his or her good manners. A human-being is distinguished from brutes not on account of his intelligence alone but also on account his behavior and manners.


Importance of good manners


A well-mannered man is respected and esteemed wherever he goes and esteemed in whatever condition of life he may be. A rich man or a high-pedigreed person, bumped with all titles without good manners, is hated in an ideal society. On the contrary, a poor man, with tattered clothes, but having delightfully good manners is sure to attract everyone’s attention and win everybody’s liking.


Among students in particular, preservation of good manners is a boon. It is a pity that on account of lack of manners in the modern students, an ugly and unpleasant atmosphere of indiscipline has been created. Good manners cost nothing. One the other hand they pay us a lot.


Examples of good manners


Say, ‘Thank you? when you receive anything from someone,

Say, ‘Please? while requesting for something,

Say, ‘Excuse me? to get attention for something,

Compliment other for their good qualities,

Always knock the doors before entering other’s bed-room,

Be respectful towards your elders, and teachers,

Be compassionate towards someone who is in pain,

Listen attentively when someone is talking to you,

Be courageous enough to accept your mistake and never hesitate to say, ‘Sorry?.

Always be ready to help others around you,

Clean your shoes regularly.

Always seek permission before touching or using something that belongs to someone else.

If someone asks a question, try to respond with a smile.

Do not interrupt in between the sentences when someone is speaking. Instead, wait for your turn.



 We, the dwellers of this land of great and noble personalities, must exhibit above all other things, an ideal force of character through our everyday manners, imbibed with nobility and spiritual sublimity.


It has been rightly said that ‘manners make a man’. Standard of good manners differs from country to country. But one thing is common to all that is to show respect and reverence to all with whom we come in contact.


Paragraph : 02

Good Manners


It is the manners which separate the man from the animals. In fact the word ‘manner’ is derived from ‘man’. That means it is a basic trait of the man. A person without manners can hardly deserve to be called a human being. No one likes the company of such a person, and gradually he is isolated and becomes aloof in the society.

Manners are not what you say or do under the arc light. It is the reflection of the behaviour with others. Good manners are the backbone of the society. They are essential for social life and individual peace and comfort. To behave, speak and act politely and in right manner constitute good manners. John Vance Cheney once remarked, “the soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears”.

Sympathy, love and kindness towards the fellow beings are important prerequisites for everyone. It is not enough to contain these feelings in one’s heart but also express love and respect for others. Thinking about other’s feelings is great and to express them in a proper manner is even greater. This is where good manners are involved.

When someone hurts you and does not apologise, it is a bad manner. One can cover up his mistake by expressing his realisation and genuinely saying, ‘I am sorry’. In this manner one avoids bitterness, confrontation and quarrels. In other words, he becomes likable and amicable. According to Gardiner, `Please and Thank you are small changes with which we pay our way back as social being”. It keeps the machine of the life running smoothly. Sir, Madam, Dear, Sorry, Please, Excuse me, Thank you’ etc. are some words which should be used in daily conversation. Speak softly, sweetly, and appropriately, without hurting the feelings of others.

Good Manners go with the action. They add charm to man’s personality. If a person is kind, courteous, polite and helpful towards others, he is liked. He commands respect from others. From what we get we can make living; what we give, however, makes a life. Besides cooperation, sympathetic attitude and tolerance, one should be a good listener.

This is a trait which is often forgotten. For this one should control and restrain himself from being talkative. Self-control and restraint are corner stones of good manners. Good manners cannot be borrowed but are to be developed through one’s own behaviour. They work like a lubricant in running the life smoothly.

Good manners do not mean to be always sweet and sugary with everyone. One should be honest and give a frank opinion. However, healthy criticism should always be sandwiched between two layers of praise.

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