CBSE Science Fair Exhibition Project, “Security System” Theme “Information and Education Technology” for Class 10 and 12

Project Name : Security System


Theme Name : Information and Education Technology

Objective: To provide a security system which is designed for making existing operations of communication more efficient.

Scientific Principle Involved: It works on the binary number system through the logical gates and according to the signals which follows the black track of path.

Materials Used: IR sensors, motors, ICs transistors, capacitors, resistances, solar panel storage batteries, etc.

Working Investigations/findings: This project presents a high technology system. It provides the information of the activities going on the place where it is located in the form of audio visual data. It collects the data by moving all around the located direct by a special black track.

Utility and further scope of the project: It is totally human less machine moving according to the black line track system, can be used in the form of information machine, by recording different activities using camera or mikes. It can send the message/data through the wireless internet system to the control room. It can also be used at different places for security purpose like army cant, nuclear reactor plants, industries and business organization by moving over provided black track.

Name of the School: Tagore Public School, Allahabad.

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