CBSE Science Fair Exhibition Project, “Generate complex and functional patterns of communication” Theme “ Mathematics Modelling” for Class 9, Class 10 and 12

Project Name : Generate complex and functional patterns of communication


Theme Name : Mathematics Modelling


Title: Mathematical Modelling on how social insects like honey bees, termites etc. use local information to generate complex and functional patterns of communication.

Objective/Aim: To study and analyze how socials insects like honey bees, termites etc. use local information to generate complex and functional patterns of communication.


Scientific principles involved:

Derivatives, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations

Materials used: Wooden board, Colored sheets, Old newspapers, Clay, Acrylic sheet, Electric bulb, Tape, Adhesive, Cardboard, Wooden stick.
Working investigations/findings: Complex and functional patterns of communication, foraging and waggle dance patterns.

Name of the School: Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Vasudhara, Gujarat


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