Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “ Consider the uses and abuses of television” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Consider the uses and abuses of television

Most people agree that television is one of the most important inventions of this century. Opinions vary as to its value but no one can deny its great effect upon society.
Firstly, television is one of the greatest educators of all time. Documentary programs about foreign countries and their inhabitants, instructional programs on medicine, science, engineering, natural history and many others are all brought to the homes of ordinary people who without television would have known little about these things. In this connection too, special ‘Schools’ Television has been introduced in some parts of the world. In these programs pictures, films and diagrams, greatly add to the knowledge of the pupils.

At its best, television is a good form of entertainment which stimulates or creates an interest in the arts. we can see top-line artists cheaply and easily at home. A piano recital by Rubinstein, and orchestra conducted by Stokowski, an hour with the Beatles: all these would be beyond the pockets of most of us. Hitherto theatre-going was limited to the very few. Nowadays there are many good plays to be seen on Television with first class actors and actresses. Consequently, the love of the theater is far more widespread.

As a companion to old people, television has unquestionable use. People who have no one to talk to in the evenings or at leisure are now no longer alone. The old who cannot get out to cinemas and theaters do not have to forget these entertainment’s as television provides them.

Scientifically television has its uses Photographs can now be relayed to earth from space by means of it.

Like other great inventions, television can be and is, unfortunately, abused. It is said that television makes ‘watchers’ and not ‘doers’, and that people will watch a game on it rather than play one themselves. It is also said that hobbies tend to suffer because of too much ‘viewing’. Reading, sewing, carpentry, gardening — all these can be neglected if television had too strong a hold.

As well as the public, the producers themselves often abuse this medium. The programs are often poor with mediocre talent or illiterate and ill-informed views. Vice and crime can e given too much emphasis and therefore have a disastrous effect upon millions of viewers, especially the young.

Certainly there is abuse, but if this medium is used with intelligence and discrimination by producers and viewers, then it can become a blessing and not a curse to mankind.

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