Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “ Do you think competition is sports is harmful?” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Do you think competition is sports is harmful?

Games and sports were played for honor and as an incentive for better physical health and efficiency. They were played for the spirit of the game, for cultivating sportsman- like qualities, for team spirit. This was a healthy attitude and a fairly moral one for the correctness was stressed and the main idea was to develop and strengthen the character of the player. This was the idea behind the emphasis on games and athletics in public schools in England. But in recent times the whole idea has been defeated. The competitors in today’s world do not depend only on stamina, their own proficiency, and the fairness of the game. The referee’s or the umpire’s judgment is often questioned and the loser may not take his loss gracefully.

It is not only individual human beings who are affected by the change in approach to competitive games. whole nations and countries are affected. The government and the public play an important role in moulding the attitude of the player. Competitive sports have become a matter of national prestige for many governments. They offer awards and recognition. The public is equally quick to hero-worship a winner and it loses no time in dropping a loser like a hot brick. Even all this could be overlooked as the passing fancy of a whimsical public, but what is difficult to ignore is the creeping in of politics in international games and sports. This happened when the Olympics took place in 1972 and the Arab-Israeli enmity assumed the face of a ghastly massacre. It has been happening also in the African countries where racial discrimination has often been a basis of selection and participation. Chinese diplomacy has sometimes been linked with the friendly visits of their ping-pong team.

It is true to a very great extent that the present day emphasis on the winning of the event has detracted considerably from the enjoyment of the game. It has resulted in the employment of many unfair and underhand means and has thus weakened the qualities which contribute to team spirit and uprightness. At the same time it has to be conceded that those countries who win in international events and do well do so because they are obsessed with the idea of victory and because they concentrate on obtaining it at any cost. This attitude reflects a ruthlessness which they also bring to politics.

Winning is important. Take away the desire and the glory associated with victory and you take away half the fun out of the game: but disproportionate emphasis on winning destroys the total spirit of the game. Otherwise. it is not only internationally recognized games and athletic events that are enjoyable but also many more competitions which express a healthy feeling of rivalry. Recently a wood chopping competition was held in Australia where the champion defeated his own brother who held the previous year’s championship. And I’m sure no ill will or unfair means played a part. It was pure and healthy fun. This is how it should be Competitive sports besides providing an outlet for energy should also help develop those special skills which build stamina and aid efficiency. They must not, however. deteriorate into inhumanity.    


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