Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Motions of the Earth” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

The Motions of the Earth

The earth is a planet of the solar system which revolves round the sun. The earth has two kinds of motions-revolution and rotation. The earth revolves round the sun in a fixed path called orbit.

The earth rotates or spins around its axis. An axis is the imaginary line joining the north pole and the south pole. North pole is the extremely last pt of the northern Hemisphere of the earth Similarly the south pole extremely the last point of the southern Hemisphere of the earth. An equator is the horizontal line on the earth which divides the earth approximately into two equal parts. The northern part of the equator is called the northern Hemisphere and the southern part of the equator is called the southern Hemisphere.

The axis of the earth makes an angle of 23 with the perpendicular to the plane of the earth’s orbit. In other words, the earth axis makes an angle of 66 with the orbital plane.

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