Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Crimes in society” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduation Exams.

Crimes in society

The human society is full of activity. People work in all kinds of business Firms, government offices, factories and other places, to earn their livelihood. Some work from dawn till dark; many work only at night; and others work during the day. At the same time men with criminal tendency are engaged in all kinds of activity, which often cause great hardship and sorrow to a large number of people in society.

Men develop criminal tendencies because of numerous frustrations. Society has always failed to satisfy the social, emotional and other needs of a large number of people, many of whom have therefore turned to crime for either survival or recognition. The activities of such men represent a constant threat to the welfare society, and much being done to reform them.

But criminals cannot be reformed until they are apprehended. By that time, hundreds of people are forced to live in fear at the hands of criminals, who resort to violence at the slightest provocation. Numerous people of various descriptions have been killed by criminals without proper cause. Society is therefore straining all its resources to bring criminals to justice. Large sums of money are being spent to employ men and equipment for the prevention and detection of crime.

Criminals are desperate men, and when they are pursued, they fight tooth and nail to escape capture. Therefore, those who are employed to capture them have to be brave, intelligent and well-trained men. To have such men always on the alert for the protection of society involves much expenditure.

Punishment of criminals today, however, is not the same as what it was in the past. Society has realized its responsibility towards individuals who always find a bone to pick with ít. It is now believed that criminals could be reformed. Therefore, psychologists and others who are responsible for the welfare of criminals are doing their utmost to train criminals to live a good life in the future. Only those who commit the most serious crimes are punished severely to deter others from committing such crimes.

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