Short Biography, Paragraph of “Hannibal” short paragraph for Class 12 and Graduate Classes


Hannibal (247-c. 183 BO. Carthaginian general. After the death of his brother-in-law Hasdrubal, Hannibal was made commander-in-chief of the Carthaginian army at 26. During the second Punic War against the Romans, Hannibal led 40,000 men, with horses and 38 elephants, over the snows of the Alps to invade northern Italy. The Romans did not expect him to take such d hazardous route, and he had a major victory at Lake Trasimeno (217). However, he failed to attack Rome it-self and was driven out. After the Carthaginian treaty with Rome, Hannibal was threatened with betrayal to the Romans and escaped to Bithyma, where he poisoned himself.

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