Short Biography, Paragraph of “Mary I” short paragraph for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Mary I

Mary I, known as Mary Tudor (1516-58). Queen of England from 1553, the first woman to rule England in her own right. She was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII by Catherine of Aragon but following the annulment of their marriage was declared illegitimate. She succeeded Edward VI to the throne despite a conspiracy that had made Lady Jane Grey queen for just nine days. A staunch Roman Catholic, Mary married Philip II, king of Spain, thereby provoking a rebellion led by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Her systematic persecution of Protestants (1555), during which about 300 heretics were burnt at the stake, earned her the name of `Bloody Mary’. During her reign the English lost the last of their possessions in France; according to tradition Mary said: “When I am dead and opened you shall find `Calais’ engraved on my heart”. She died unpopular and childless.



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