CBSE Science Fair Exhibition Project, “Energy from Wastes in Self Sustainable Village” Theme “Natural Resource & their Conservation” for Class 9, Class 10 and 12

Project Name : Energy from Wastes in Self Sustainable Village

Theme Name : Natural Resource & their Conservation

Objective/Aim: A simple voltaic cell is made by immersing one zinc and one copper plate inside a dilute suphuric acid solution, A copper (Cu) plate and a zinc (Zn) plate placed in a dilute sulphuric acid solution. If the copper plate and zinc plate are connected externally to the solution by a conductor, an electric current starts flowing from copper plate to zinc plate through the conductor.

Material Used: Cow dung slurry, Household wastes, Glass beakers, Copper plate, Zinc plate, wall clock and connecting wires.

Working Investigation/findings:

1. Chemical Composition of cow dung:

The chemical composition of cow dung depends on what the cow has just eaten. Grazing cows will have lot of plants fibers in their dung. Cows housed in barns and fed with special diet will have different materials in their dung. Cow dung in high in organic materials and rich in nutrients. It contains about 3% nitrogen, 2% phosphorous and 1% potassium.

2. PH-Value of cow dung

The feed of the cows plays an important role in determining the pH of the manure. Cattle manure tends towards a netural (7) pH.

3. Ecology

Cow dung provides food for a wide range of animal and fungus species, which break it down and recycle it into the food chain and into the soil.

4. Working

The biomass wastes are held in a digester or reactor. The gas is produced form there phase process namely hydrolysis, acid – forming and methane forming phases. It is biological engineering process in which a complete set of environmentally sensitive micro-organisms are involved. The gas is typically composed of 50-70% methade, 30-40% carbon – dioxide, 1- 10% hydrogen, 1-3% nitrogen, 0.1% oxygen and carbon – monoxide and trace of hydrogen sulphide.

Biogas is also a waste management technique because the anaerobic treatment process eliminated the harmful micro organisms. It is a cheap source of energy due to the feed stock is usually waste materials.

Name of the School: C.J.S. Public School, Jalandhar, Punjab.


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