Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “Why is Time Management Important?” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Why is Time Management Important?

What is time? Time is what the clock measures. This definition was pinned down by the famous Physicists like Albert Einstein, Ivey Donald, and a couple others. This is the basic form of explanation that almost every individual understands because we all own watches.

Time also refers to the totality of three main events: the past, present, and future. The past refers to the fixed and immutable events that occur before a certain point in time. The present lies between the past and the future. It’s commonly known as ‘now.? The future refers to a timeline that is yet to occur.

What is Time Management? Time management refers to planning on how long one is going to take to do certain activities. Time management is not about spending much time doing the same thing. It is about being smarter and doing each activity at its own designated time. The following points show us ways in which we can manage time effectively.

Time is an indefinite period that is usually marked by specific activities or attributes. Some of the activities that strictly adhere to time include flight arrivals and departures, office working hours, school lessons, surgery operation, etc. For this reason, it is extremely important that know the necessary time management skills. Financially, time is money. This is because you can be expected to work for several hours, days, weeks or months before you get paid.

Let’s look at the importance of time management and how we can manage time effectively.

Importance of Time Management

Time management is extremely important in every sphere of our life. It helps a student get massive success at school results. As a business owner, it helps him to keep his commitments. In an organization, it creates an atmosphere that bring the best out of everyone. Let’s look at the few reasons why time management is important in our life.

  1. Proper time management leads to increased productivity at workplace. Time management involves planning your tasks and knowing what to work on. It also involves knowing how much time a certain task will take. This enables you to stay focused and produce high-quality work.

  1. It helps in completing tasks in time. A good time manager is always punctual. He sets objectives and tries to achieve them in the stipulated time. Since he is in better control of time, he stays focused and completes his tasks in a much easier way.

  1. Time management helps reduce frustration and stress. Since you allot time appropriately to each of your tasks, you will have enough time to complete them. You will also have more time to review what you have done. This gives you peace of mind as you know you have done a perfect job.

  1. It helps one to be a better planner. An individual who can manage time effectively is able to plan better. He/she can assign time to each of his daily or weekly tasks. He knows what to do and at what time. In the end, he has a lot of extra time on his hands. He can use this extra time to engage in leisure activities, visit friends and work on some projects at his home. This helps him live a balanced life.

  1. Successful time management leads to academic success. If you can manage time effectively, you will be in a position to assess an assignment and determine how long it will take. During an exam, you will not hurry to finish. You will read through all the questions and assign time to each of them. You will also be able to read through your answers and make corrections where necessary. As a result, you will increase your chances of getting a better score.

  1. Good time management helps improving one’s self-esteem. A good time manager can cope with the many demands in his hands. As you derive pleasure in your success, you become confident in yourself. You also become motivated to work even harder.

  1. Effective time management helps one to boost his/her career prospects. Being a good time manager means you have an added advantage in the career world. Employers not only look at academic qualifications but also at other factors such as time management. They will hire a person who can deliver quality work in the minimum time possible.

  1. Time management helps one to get and stay organized. Being organized is the best way to complete projects in time. However urgent a task may be, a good time manager will plan and organize it so as to have a full picture of what is required. Being organized is a virtue that employers value and you will gain respect for that.

  1. Proper time management enables one to make sensible decisions. Whether it a personal or business decision you want to make, you need to take your time. Time management is necessary since you can afford to think about all the available choices and finally come up with an effective and sensible decision.

10 Ways to Manage Time Effectively

  1. Plan for the day. Plan well for the day ahead in advance. A plan gives you direction and makes you a responsible individual. Get into the habit of making schedules and sticking to them. Indicate alongside each task the time it should be completed.

  1. Write everything down. Keeping a diary is very important for adults. A diary not only shows you what needs to be done but ensures you don’t forget anything as well.

  1. Downsize your life. While attempting to manage time, human beings have a habit of wanting to do everything at a go. The day has a total of 24 hours and there is nothing we can do to extend that. Getting too busy with everything will make the important task to be left undone. Give priority to important tasks first.

  1. Have adequate sleep. We need more than seven hours of sleep to function better the next day. Don’t sleep fewer hours in order to spare time for other things. Make it a habit of going to bed early so that you can wake up early the following morning.

  1. Eat well. A Healthy diet promises a healthy life. This way, you will be more energetic and productive. An energetic individual can work faster and save time for other projects.

  1. Find the time you work best. Every individual functions in his/her own unique way. Some people are productive in the morning. Others work better in the afternoon while other are nocturnal. If you are the morning type, set an alarm to wake you up early. For others, a simple mobile phone reminder can help you know when it is working time.

  1. Break your work into chunks. NLP techniques suggest that large tasks should be broken down into smaller tasks. This makes them easy and enjoyable to be done. Large tasks can get boring, and we are likely to keep pushing them ahead. Chunking can help one avoid procrastination by finishing all tasks in time.

  1. Delegate responsibilities. We can’t be good at everything or at least we can’t do everything on our own. We will take a long time in completing a task that would have taken minutes if we’d have let others contribute.

  1. Have a lone time. They day time’s activities can take a toll on you. You need to listen to your body and mind. Give them rest so that you can function better in your next task. However, do not abandon any activity that you may have left halfway. Always complete your tasks.

  1. Make room for what matters. There is always a lot to be done. It’s easy to get confused and wander from one task to another. Learn to organize things and let those that carry a lot of weight come first.

Time is a precious resource that we can’t afford to waste. Time wasted cannot be recovered. Learning to manage time effectively can guarantee success in many parts of our lives.

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