Biochemistry Notes for Class 12 Topic “Proteins- Classification- Polar, Uncharged Amino Acids” Complete Notes for Class 12

Polar, Uncharged Amino Acids

The polar, uncharged amino acids except for glycine contain R groups that can form hydrogen bonds with water. Thus, these amino acids are usually more soluble in water than the nonpolar amino acids. Tyrosine displays the lowest solubility in water of the 20 common amino acids. Glycine, the simplest amino acid, has only a single hydrogen for an R group, and this hydrogen is not a good hydrogen bond former. Glycine’s solubility properties are mainly influenced by its polar amino and carboxyl groups, and thus glycine is best considered a member of the polar, uncharged group. It should be noted that tyrosine has significant nonpolar characteristics due to its aromatic ring and could arguably be placed in the nonpolar group.

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