Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Rain Water harvesting” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Rain Water harvesting

Water is an integral part of land/soil productivity. Its misuse can cause both degradation and erosion of soils. Management of water resource is considered to necessary for well being of human life as well as crop yields.

There is a gap between the seasonal availability of water and its equitable supply throughout the year. Accordingly the storage of water and passage through soils is very important. It is well known area in this country is subject to varying degree of water stress. There are areas with heavy rainfall but water problems become predominant during non-monsoon periods.

Water harvesting technologies have established the economic and practical feasibility for inclusion in integrated watershed management plans. A number of such structures in the Hirakud catchment have revealed that these are desirable for protection of land, restoration of degraded land for creation of micro irrigation potential of reuse of water. This would also help in increased production based productivity for generation of employment of opportunities.

The concept of watershed management has been extended to agro-industrial watersheds which take care of agro-industrial development.


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