English Short Story and Moral Story “Always ASK, NEVER ASSUME” Story for kids, Primary Class,Class 9,Class 10 and Class 12


John was told that a Twin-Engine Plane would be waiting at the Airport.

Arriving at the Airport he spotted a Plane warming up outside the hanger.

He jumped in, said ‘Let’s go’.

The Pilot taxied and took off.

Once in the air John told the Pilot: ‘Fly Low over the Valley so I can take Pictures of the Fire on the hill’

Pilot: ‘Why’

John: ‘Bcoz I’m the Photographer for CNN. I need to get some close up shots.’

Pilot was strangely silent for a moment, then he stammered ‘So, what You’re telling me is . . . You’re Not My Flying Instructor!’

Life is short.

Moral of the story is – Always ASK, NEVER ASSUME!

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