English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The golden age is not behind us but before us” 250 Words Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Students.

The golden age is not behind us but before us

In the first instance, let us be very clear in the conception of the golden age’. A golden age must be an age of peace and plenty in the age of lofty thoughts and lofty literature. For example, it is told to us that the age of the Guptas in Hindu India was a golden age. As you know, it was an age of peace and prosperity and high thought. It produced Kalidas, one of the greatest dramatists of all time. Now the question arises of whether the golden age is behind us or before us. It is our conviction that the golden age is before us and the world is daily emerging better and safer, in spite of the two global wars. Today we can easily look forward to a time when moral values will be combined with scientific values and a sort of world federation will come into being. We should not look back and laud the past at the expense of the future. Though many of the literary artists are very much enamoured of the ancients, the scientists of today are very hopeful about the future. A day is sure to rise when man will realize his blunder in using atomic energy for the destruction of his own kind, and when he will begin exploiting it for peaceful purposes. That day will be surely a golden day of a golden era.

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