English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “What is a sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander” 200 Words Essay.

What is a sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander

This statement is true only in a few cases. People of similar natures do have similar tastes and similar needs, but not always. In certain cases, their tastes and their needs are quite different and may even be opposite in character. The contradiction is apparent when we take the case of man and woman. It needs no elaborate treatment to prove that the needs of men are different from the needs of women and the tastes of the two seldom agree. Moreover, it is very difficult to find two persons every inch the same in all respects. They may have the relation existing between gander and goose, yet they are very much unlike each other. Nature, it is said, never casts two individuals in the same mould. So far as the animals are concerned, the variation is much less common. Usually, all geese are alike in every respect and so are all genders. The male and female of the species may have some distinct characteristics, yet their needs and tastes are also alike. In the case of the animals, the statement is very true.

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