English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Where there is no vision, the people perish” 200 Words Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Students.

Where there is no vision, the people perish

There are usually two ways of looking at a thing: One may look at it from the point of view of personal advantage or take into consideration the good of one’s fellow beings. In the former case, the outlook is selfish and narrow; in the latter, broad and enlightened. Men do not live and cannot live for themselves alone. He has to take into account the community, the society and the nation to which he belongs. Not only that, in the final analysis individuals and nations are part of mankind and no nation can thrive at the cost of other nations. Hence the peoples of the world have to learn to live harmoniously, to foster the spirit of natural accommodation, and to develop a large enlightened outlook as opposed to narrow, selfish, communal, sectarian or aggressive national views. All men are children of the same creator, though they may speak different languages and belong to different nationalities. A nation can prosper only if it knows the art of living on peaceful and friendly terms with other nations. It is this spirit that the great American President Abraham Lincoln termed a “vision,” without which indeed nobody can thrive or survive.


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