Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Ideas of complete mental and physical relaxation” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Ideas of complete mental and physical relaxation

Man is a bundle of nerves and muscles and due to the coordination of these all his movements become possible. One beauty about man is while he has the same nerves and muscles of other animals he is not one, because he has a unique faculty. The seat of those activities being the brain. The brain involve a man’s life considerably. During the wakeful hours and to some extent during sleep, the brain, the nerves and the muscles do not stop functioning. These activities are not merely mechanical and they involve biochemical changes in the body. That means in the tissues food particles are burnt and the end products are acids, carbon dioxide and water vapor. Though they are being periodically and regularly removed, they still linger in the tissues reducing their efficiency. This condition goes by the name of fatigue and the fatigued tissues refuse to function normally. They may be strained like the last straw on the camel’s back.

Now the symptoms of fatigue are the following; inattention, yawning, wandering of thought, lack of efficiency, feeling driven, restlessness, lack of interest and insomnia.

To do away with fatigue, relaxation is very important. Relaxation is usually secured by means of rest, recreation or change of occupation. When we relax the overworked part gets the needed rest and the toxins are cleared. Relaxation like the pursuit of a hobby, taking long walks, spending time in the company of books and with those whom one loves and changing occupation is certainly desirable. Swimming, painting, fishing, and playing games are physical recreations. Reading, singing folk songs, and community singing are some mental recreations. So the nature of recreation depends on whether fatigue is physical or mental.

Work – fatigue – relaxation – this cycle is only nature’s order. There is nothing to worry about. One should relax to work and work to relax. Life cannot be all work; nor can it be all relaxation, for ‘All work and no play makes a boy dull and all play and no work makes a boy foolish’. So definitely work periods must be followed by relaxation out his time between work and relaxation. Even in the midst of work one may find ways of relaxation. Keeping the eyes closed for a few minutes, or stretching the limbs or lying flat, is sure to bring the needed relaxation. Noise is one of the things that brings about fatigue and so noise reducing methods are to be adopted. For instance, in cities big offices are insulated from noise and heat. Employees are provided with facilities for relaxation like shower bath, snacks and tea. Even the very decoration is calculated to ease tension. To this end furniture is designed to cause less fatigue.

Mentally one must know how to relax. One must run one’s brains on light gear. Worry gnaws at the brain’s efficiency and hence tension is created. One should practice how to switch off’ thoughts for a while and relax. Mental relaxation is often secured by viewing life in its proper perspective.

Last but not least adhering to proper sleeping hours is one way to relax both the body and mind for ‘sleep is nature’s secret restorer’.

The modern man with all life’s complexities has every reason to learn how to relax if he wants to lead an efficient, healthy and useful life.

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