Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Job Search” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Job Search

Joel’s school semester was ending soon, but he still had not found a job to keep him busy over the summer vacation. This wasn’t the only reason Joel wanted a job. He had been taking the bus to school for over a year already. He was ready to start driving to school. All of his friends had been driving since the age of eighteen, and Joel felt like he was left behind. He had calculated the math and figured it would take him two months of working for him to be able to afford a used vehicle, or one month if he worked full time. Joel had it all planned out. The only problem was finding steady employment.

Joel felt like he had applied everywhere possible. He had walked into several fast food restaurants. He had stepped in countless coffee shops. He had visited various retail stores and supermarkets. Joel went around shaking the hands of managers, introducing himself as a college student who was interested in working. Joel mingled with employees and talk to frequent customers, in hopes of getting some recognition or even a piece of advice. After submitting application after application, it seemed like he would never get hired. Joel felt like giving up hope.

But then one afternoon, Joel received a call for an interview. Joel jumped for joy when he discovered the interview was for a job working at a bookstore. Joel was so determined to get the job that he was hired right after his interview. He had greatly impressed the manager, who felt he was the perfect candidate for the job. Everything was going according to his plan. Soon he had enough money saved up to buy the car he had dreamed of.


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