Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “ Success Is a Choice” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Success Is a Choice


Success Is a ChoiceAll of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacksthat crop up every day.If we expect that life wont be perfect,well be able to avoid that impulse to quit.But even if you are strong enough to persist through the obstacle course of life and work,sometimes you will encounter an adverse event that will completely knock you on your back.Whether its financial loss, the loss of respect of your peers or loved ones,or some other traumatic event in your life,these major setbacks leave you doubting yourselfand wondering if things can ever change for the better again.Adversity happens to all of us, and it happens all the time.Some form of major adversity is either going to be there or its lying in wait just around the corner.To ignore adversity is to succumb to the ultimate self-delusion.But you must recognize that history full of examples of men and womenwho achieved greatness despite facing hurdles so steep thatthey easily could have crushed their spirit and left them lying in the dust.Moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of God.Abraham Lincoln overcame a difficult childhood,depression, the death of two sons,and constant ridicule during the Civil War to become arguably our greatest president ever.Helen Keller made an impact on the world despite being deaf, dumb, and blind from an early age.Franklin Roosevelt had polio.There are endless examples.These were people who not only looked adversity in the facebut learned valuable lessons about overcoming difficult circumstancesand were able to move ahead.


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