Write him a letter describing how you and your mother celebrated your younger sister’s birthday.

Your father has gone out of station for a month. Write him a letter describing how you and your mother celebrated your younger sister’s birthday.


MK/81 Diamond Cottages,

S.V. Road,


17th March, 20

My dear daddy,

This year we had decided to celebrate Roxana’s birthday in a different style. As this year you were not with her on her birthday, she was a little upset. Mom and I surprised her with a big birthday party to make her feel special and happy.

I had called my best friend Russell to help me for the occasion. While Roxana was asleep, early in the morning, we decorated our drawing room with silk curtains, streamers, colourful balloons, multi-coloured ribbons and artificial flowers. We decorated a big table with balloons and placed it in the centre of the room. Chairs were arranged around the table.

Invitations were sent to all our friends and relatives. From around five, guests began to arrive. Russell and I welcomed them and offered them chairs to sit. A big strawberry cake was placed on the table with seven candles on it.

After all the guests had come, mummy brought Roxana out from the bedroom. She was dressed in a beautiful red silk frock. I lighted the candles and she blew them out. All the guests clapped and cheered her.

In paper plates, she distributed pieces of cake to all the guests. All the guests gave her gifts and presents. She was very happy with the arrangements and the gifts she received.

My gift to her was her favourite walky-talky doll. Mom gifted her a bicycle. Roxana was overjoyed to see our gifts. Sweets, snakes and soft drinks were served to the guests. Soon after the refreshments, they started leaving, wishing her once again.

However, we missed you. We wish you were with us and hope to see you soon.

Your loving son,


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