Composition Writing on “You were walking in a park. You saw a mobile phone lying on a bench.” for Class 9, 10 Students.

You were walking in a park. You saw a mobile phone lying on a bench.

“Mum, I am going for a jog at the park,” I shouted to my mother before leaving the house. It was a routine for me to go for a jog every Saturday morning.

When I reached the park, I did some warming up exercises before I began my two-kilometre jog. After jogging, I was soaked in my perspiration. I decided to go to that quiet corner of the park to relax for a while.

When I reached the pavilion, I thought I saw something on a bench. I went closer and saw that there was a mobile phone lying on the bench. Curious, I walked towards it and picked it up. I looked around in the vicinity to see if there was anyone who was looking for his or her lost phone but there was no one. I then tried to look in the contact list of the phone.

Just then, I heard someone approaching. “What are you doing?” I turned around and saw that it was a teenager. He walked towards me and then tried to grab the mobile phone from me. I refused to give it to him and I demanded that he gave me some details to prove that the phone was his. He could not do so.

I knew he was lying so I knew I had to get away from him so that I could hand the phone over to the police. Just then, I saw a man walking towards us, he seemed to be searching for something. I knew I had to take the chance. Hence, I called out, “Hi sir, are you looking for a mobile phone?” The man’s eyes lit up when he heard the term ‘mobile phone’. He hurried over and asked me if I had found one.

I nodded my head and showed him the phone. He said it was his and he showed some photos in the phone which he had taken of his daughter and wife. I was convinced that the phone was his. The teenager, realising that he had no way out, ran away. I did not bother to run after him.

Meanwhile, the man thanked me profusely for helping him find the phone. I was glad that I had not allowed it to fall into the wrong hands.

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