English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “History does not repeat itself” 150 Words Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Students.

History does not repeat itself

It is a general concept, howsoever controversial it may be, that History is a repeating clock. But thinkers of this school would find themselves moving along a deviation from the popular thought if they simply analyse it in the light that the motions of the wheel are made to run on an axle. The saying that History repeats itself could be true only in a world, conditioned, controlled and governed by a set of inflexible laws and code of conduct. But in the fluid state of affairs in the world of today, where scientific, economic and social thoughts are undergoing a revolutionary change, clockwise repetition is not possible. Natural phenomena and geographical and geological conditions are no longer the old accepted knowledge. Flowing on the breast of the river of time, the world and its peoples have explored new dimensions of life. The old barbarism would not come again. The crude and inhuman methods of warfare would not repeat its history. Social anarchy and the old structure of society will not be seen again. Therefore, we can say, that History does not repeat itself.

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