English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Kind hearts are more than coronets” 200 Words Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Students.

Kind hearts are more than coronets

It is not everybody who can have a correct appreciation of different aspects of human life. Wealth, power, prestige, kindness, generosity, and fellow-feeling-all these play a significant role in life. But success and happiness come to those only who properly value these different blessings. Greedy and materialistic persons set great store by wealth and power to the partial total neglect of the other virtues. The history of the world and human experience, however, show that happiness does not necessarily lie in material possessions alone. “Weary lies the head that wears a crown’ is a very true proverb about the multifarious worries which attend a king’s life, who is outwardly considered to be very happy. The secret of happiness, as philosophers and poets have pointed out, lies in love, sympathy and kindness. “Treat thy neighbor as thine own self” is a noble exhortation to follow the principle of love and kindness towards one’s fellow beings. It is sympathy and affection which sweetens our life’s journey, and a kind word from our fellow men is more fruitful and precious than tons of gold.

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